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Soal Bahasa Inggris: Kata Sifat Berakhiran -Ed dan -Ing

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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

Changing Verb into Adjective
Change the words in the bracket into –ed or –ing form!

1.      The cat feels .......... (Frighten) during fireworks
2.      Linux can be .......... (Confuse) the first time you use it.
3.      My mother was .......... (Shock) to hear about the earthquake in Aceh in 2005.
4.      The flood in Jakarta is .......... (Depress)
5.      The students are .......... (Bore) doing the same thing everyday during in-job training.
6.      Mr. Gilig’s English class is.......... (Excite), My friends and I love it very much.
7.      The meals in the school’s canteen is .......... (Satisfy). Mrs. Tik is really a good cook.

1. Frightened
2. Confusing
3. Shocked
4. Depressing
5. Bored
6. Exciting
7. Satisfying
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